W1 50jr: Ruts DC (UK) + Lo-Lite
W1 50jr: Ruts DC (UK) + Lo-Lite
RUTS and RUTS DC 2023
What do you know about Ruts DC? What do you want to know about Ruts DC? It’s nearly fifty years since the two sevens clashed. In a little over fifty more years, they will clash again.
Roughly around the time they last clashed the Ruts were hot wiring barbed wire guitar, passionate poetry and rhythm weaponry together somewhere in a London that probably does not exist anymore. Splicing heat haze dub thinking to the energy flash of punk ,close to the big bang of late twentieth century culture. Open to ideas. Committed to ideals.
Some band’s sound punk. Some look punk. Some even look and sound punk. And some, simply, are punk. The Ruts were early challengers to the misunderstood notion that punk was a somewhat luddite dogma wherein complexity, creative exploration and musical prowess were considered a shameful affectation.
Ruts and Ruts DC songs move with a precise muscularity and carry lyrics of eloquent and graceful rage. No two-chord thrash with shouting over the top.
Go back. Listen to everything. From the very beginning to now, with the forthcoming release of new album ‘Counterculture?’, the much-anticipated follow-up to 2016’s incendiary ‘Music Must Destroy’ album.
Counterculture. Now is the time. Was there ever an age with more reason to rebel? Counterculture. Do not think you can simply buy a way in. To Counter; to push against, to oppose and redress. By being a spectator, you are NOT a part of the counterculture.
“Counterculture? For us, it never went away,” says bassist and vocalist John ‘Segs’ Jennings. “We’ve always been on the outside and still are. It’s ok to be a freak. That’s why The Ruts started in the first place. If it’s still inside you, it’s time to light that flame again. Get to know what you don’t know. Come and borrow my lighter.”
‘Counterculture?’ has been officially released into the shops across Europe on April 21st 2023
Never Surrender.
Lo Lite
2 mans puinblues band!
Ondanks dat het een Arnhemse band is en toch een behoorlijk potje te hebben gebroken in die scene en op meedere continenten te hebben gespeeld. Kwamen we erachter dat ze nog nooit in Willemeen hebben gestaan..... daar moet dus rap verandering in komen! na een wat minder actieve periode is de band weer behoorlijk aan de weg aan het timmeren en hebben deze zomer zelfs door de USA getourd. Kom dat zien en horen!
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