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Whitewashing Rébecca Chaillon (FR) FR

In her piece Whitewashing, Rébecca Chaillon takes a step in redefining the concept of 'whitewashing'. Typically associated with the casting of white actors in roles of racially marked characters, Chaillon appropriates the term to shed light on the widespread issue of skin bleaching. Through her innovative approach, she explores the complicated and often ambiguous relationships between societal expectations, racial identity, and self-care for Black women.

By delving into these complexities, Chaillon's work promises to provoke thoughts and challenge perceptions, giving audiences a deeper understanding of the nuances surrounding race and beauty norms. As an author, director and performer, Chaillon uses her multiple identities to provide her creations with authenticity and depth. Through her own experiences and observations she tries to confront social norms and provoke a critical dialogue.

Whitewashing formed the basis for the creation of Chaillon's celebrated work Carte Noire Nommee Desir. Which received much praise at the prestigious festival d'Avignon. It is the first time that Chailon's pieces are presented in the Netherlands. We are proud to welcome such important work to our festival.


Rébecca Chaillon, director, performer, author and founder of the Compagnie Dans le ventre, directs shows and performances that are actively committed to the fight against discrimination (whether sexual, racist or gender-related). She questions these discriminations with a gratifying taste for the grotesque. Her work examines the systemic mechanisms that discriminate against Black people. Her vision for the stage hybridizes languages and breaks down the walls between artistic practices by offering powerful and striking images.

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Datum Tijd Locatie Ticketlink
Tue 1 Oct 21:00 - 23:59 Theater Rotterdam Schouwburg Buy tickets
Wed 2 Oct 21:00 - 22:15 Theater Rotterdam Schouwburg Buy tickets

Tuesday 1 October

21:00 - 23:59
From € 10,00 tot € 17,00
Theater Rotterdam Schouwburg -  Schouwburgplein 25, Centrum
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