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Twelfth Night

Because all roles in England at the time were played by men, the love scenes and the gender confusion in the play had an extra layer. Twelfth Night is a romantic comedy. In the play, Orsinio is in love with Olivia, but Olivia does not want to know anything about it. That is why Orsinio asks Cesario to convey this love. Cesario does this so convincingly and well that the consequences are quite confusing.

Ayden Carlo takes this text by Shakespeare and adapts the piece from a contemporary queer perspective into an energetic, swinging and crazy comedy of today, in which one thing is certain: love always conquers.

Duration of performance: 90 minutes.

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Datum Tijd Locatie Ticketlink
Sat 14 Dec 20:15 Maas theater and dance - Maaspodium

Saturday 14 December

From € 10,00 tot € 17,50
Maas theater and dance - Maaspodium -  Sint-Jobsweg 3, Delfshaven
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