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TRANSIT - fasten your seatbelt, there's no estimated time of arrival is a surreal physical performance about being stuck 'in between'. The feeling of an eternal transit zone at an airport where no plane ever arrives or departs. As you are waiting for help, with a suitcase in your hand, your body starts to shake as if there is an earthquake inside you. There is no  one to help you. You're on your own. Advice? Enjoy it, because there is  still a long way to go.

This absurd, dreamy and humorous performance takes a cinematic look at the feeling of never getting anywhere. In reality, we are more often on the go than arriving somewhere. We are always looking. We strive for  happiness. We crave love. We're trying. We hope. We dream. We wish. We desire. So watch out for turbulence.

TRANSIT is a sequel to 'After The Echo', which won the Best of Fringe Award at the Amsterdam Fringe Festival in 2021.

Duration: 60 minutes.

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Datum Tijd Locatie Ticketlink
Fri 14 Feb 20:15 Maas theater and dance - Maaspodium

Friday 14 February

From € 10,00 tot € 17,50
Maas theater and dance - Maaspodium -  Sint-Jobsweg 3, Delfshaven
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