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The World According to Weeber

With his distinctive buildings, but especially with his provocative statements and ideas, Carel Weeber was a striking figure in Dutch architecture for decades. Compiled from unique archive footage, the film The World According to Weeber tells the story of an idiosyncratic architect who was averse to fashionable trends and was not afraid to take on the established order. Weeber introduced the term 'new frumpiness' for the small-scale cauliflower architecture of the seventies and, with his initiative Het Wilde Wonen, aimed his arrows at what he saw as patronising state architecture and government interference in public housing. An infectious portrait, in rare film fragments, of an 'un-Dutch architect' who made an exceptional contribution to Dutch architecture in education and the media.

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Datum Tijd Locatie Ticketlink
Sat 12 Oct 16:15 LantarenVenster Buy tickets
Sun 13 Oct 19:15 LantarenVenster Buy tickets

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