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The Cremator

A cult film that is considered one of the best Czechoslovak productions ever and was also banned during the communist regime. The black comedy is set in Central Europe during World War II and revolves around a demented cremator who believes that cremation alleviates earthly suffering and wants to save the world.

Director: Juraj Herz
Release year: 2023

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Fri 13 Dec 18:55 KINO

Documentary on legendary Holland Pop Festival in Kralingse Bos on show

Filmmaker Ferri Ronteltap attended the Dutch Film Academy and subsequently made several short fiction films, documentaries and television programmes. A born and bred Rotterdammer, he stood admiringly at the fence of the Kralingse Bos in 1970 as a thirteen-year-old, but did not dare to enter. Now he...

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Documentary on legendary Holland Pop Festival in Kralingse Bos on show

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