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Spill The Tea - Buysse & Joosten

Three women meet among the paint foils, curlers and clippers. One for her monthly perm, the other for a messy beach wave glowing highlight blow out look. They cling desperately to the only thing that brings them closer together; the gossip. How easily do we judge someone we don't know? How far does our empathy extend? Spill the Tea is a horror soap about gossip culture in a hair salon. With our heads under the hood and eyes on our reflection in the mirror, we are confronted with our inevitable hypocrisy and infinite curiosity.

After an almost completely sold-out tour of Meta-moe in 2024, Buysse & Joosten are now diving into the wonderful world of gossip and backbiting. In a humorous and razor-sharp way, they make our urge to belong somewhere visible and palpable.

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Thu 20 Feb 20:30 - 22:30 Workshop Valhalla Buy tickets

Thursday 20 February

20:30 - 22:30
From € 19,50
Workshop Valhalla -  Tolhuisstraat 105, Feijenoord
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