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Rob Scheepers Weerlicht


We have become a fearful people in recent years. Afraid of lightning, while thunder is nowhere to be heard. That has gone on long enough, according to Rob. Besides, it is not good for anything. Worrying about something that might happen one day is a waste of time. It is better to use your energy to open the curtains when lightning strikes, stick your head outside and go dancing in the rain. Because at the end of every dark night, it will automatically become light again.

After four full-length cabaret programs and no fewer than six New Year's conferences, each traditionally concluded with a week of sold-out halls in Parktheater Eindhoven, it is now time for Rob Scheepers' fifth cabaret program: 'Weerlicht'.

About Rob Scheepers

In addition to his theater work, Rob is known for his weekly column 'De Week in Oneliners' on the morning show of Radio 538. He also writes a weekly column for the Brabants Dagblad. Rob was previously seen in the TV series 'Padoem Patsss' (VARA/BNN) and the TV program 'Rare Jongens' (NPO).

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Datum Tijd Locatie Ticketlink
Wed 18 Jun 20:00 Old Luxor Theater Buy tickets

Wednesday 18 June

From € 15,50 tot € 31,00
Old Luxor Theater -  Kruiskade 10, Centrum
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