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Ricky Sheridan "Things I Would Tell My Dad"

Ricky Sheridan launches visual album about grief: Things I Would Tell My Dad

The visual album about grief and friendship by actor and singer-songwriter Ricky Sheridan is shown at Café Dox. After a sold-out premiere at Kino Rotterdam, Ricky now brings his intimate film to our cozy Containertrap.

'Things I Would Tell My Dad', is an auto-fictional story about his experience with loss at a young age. The 30 minute film takes you into the raw reality of grieving that is told with both dialogue and musical performances. After the screening there will be a performance where Ricky and his band will perform more music.

All dates

Datum Tijd Locatie Ticketlink
Fri 7 Feb 20:30 Café Dox Buy tickets
Fri 7 Feb 21:30 Café Dox Buy tickets
Fri 7 Feb 22:30 Café Dox Buy tickets

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