Mickey 17
Bong Joon Ho, the writer/director who won multiple Oscars for Parasite, now comes with his next groundbreaking film: Mickey 17.
Unlikely hero Mickey Barnes (Robert Pattinson) has a very special job. His employer demands the ultimate dedication: he must die for his paycheck. In sci-fi film Mickey 17, we follow Mickey Barnes, an “expendable” who is deployed to carry out dangerous missions during an expedition to the icy planet Niflheim. When Mickey dies, he is simply cloned with all his memories intact – until things go wrong. After a fatal mission, Mickey discovers that his replacement, Mickey 18, has already been activated. This leads to a surprising and philosophical battle between two versions of himself. Featuring an all-star cast including Naomi Ackie, Steven Yeun, Toni Collette and Mark Ruffalo, Mickey 17 is a visual spectacle and an intriguing mix of science fiction and black comedy, with Bong Joon-ho’s signature humorous style.
All dates
Datum | Tijd | Locatie | Ticketlink |
Thu 6 Mar | 09:00 | LantarenVenster | Buy tickets |
Thursday 6 March
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