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Maxine Julian Altcountry muziek

Her music dares to get very close - even to the point of being autobiographical - and then zoom out again to become universal landmarks. Julian explores a broad spectrum of topics close to her heart; difficult family ties (' Call Me Daddy '), how humanity deals with the earth (' 2 After 12 ') and feeling trapped in relationships ( ' Who Do You Think You Are ').

Maxine is inspired by artists such as Bonnie Raitt, Phoebe Bridgers and Joni Mitchell, but also regularly by films and books. She wants to address important themes with her music and guide the listener honestly and generously through her world of thought. “Sometimes my subjects are so charged that I consciously look for lightness,” Maxine explains. “Otherwise it will be so intense. I try to see it as a learning moment in my songs. Then I process it and can put it into perspective better. Then it doesn't have to be so hard."

Maxine is currently busy releasing her debut EP, ready to spread her wings within the live circuit. “In addition to making music being my passion, I also believe that I have a story to tell that people need to hear. I have a voice with which I can create connection and make people think. I sincerely want to contribute to a better world in this way.”

All dates

Fri 17 May

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