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Matzer Theater Productions Broos

Sometimes everything is suddenly different, outside and inside.

If you blink your eyes and open them again,

nothing is the same anymore. Never again.

Everything has a different color and a different smell

a different rhythm

a different perspective.

The show

Kyra is an adventurous woman and born for happiness. Together with her husband she has a son and a daughter. Romy is a special girl. A girl who needs extra care. Then the balance turns out to be fragile.

Broos is a musical, light and moving performance about how you can lose yourself in caring for someone else.

Broos is a performance about the hidden area of informal care. About what it's like when people always ask about the person you care for, but rarely about you. If you don't even wonder about that anymore. There is less and less of you left. And what happens if you fall over? That is not possible. And so you continue.

Broos shows the beautiful and dire sides of a care story and is inspired by conversations with mothers of a care-intensive child.

All dates

Wed 29 May

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