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Laia Escartin hosts ĒTHĘRHEIM

From Basque Country: improvisation, contemporary music and black metal.

ĒTHĘR Ensemble is a musical and artistic project created by José Ángel Babiano in 2019 and made up of artists who met at Musikene, Donostia-San Sebastián. ĒTHĘR's artistic process encompasses interpretation, transcription and own creation, based on a delicate and careful mix between improvisation and composition as a creative engine, which makes his music have a great capacity for adaptation and invention, thus embracing all kinds of music, from Classical to Improvisation, Electronic, Black Metal, etc. All this endows ĒTHĘR with a unique sound and artistic identity, extensive aesthetic versatility and great musical sensitivity.

Among all the extensive and diverse production of ĒTHĘR, it is worth noting that their album '1 0 1', released and distributed by the prestigious Orpheus Classical label, was awarded by the Department of Culture, Education and Language Policy of the Basque Government. ĒTHĘRHEIM was awarded as best video clip of the year 2022 by Musika Bulegoak. It has participated in a variety of festivals in Spain. Some are Zarata Fest (experimental, metal), Jazzaldia Donostia (jazz), Aurrera Fest (classical), etc. As well as in numerous scenarios of the Basque territory and the rest of Spain.

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Sun 30 Mar 20:30 - 21:40 Batavierhuis Buy tickets

Sunday 30 March

20:30 - 21:40
From € 4,90 tot € 28,90
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