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In Between these Mountains

Filmmaker Olivier S. Garcia invites his American half-brother Erik and father Tony on an adventurous trek through the breathtaking mountain landscape of California. As they begin their journey, threatening clouds gather. The men struggle with their family history in their own way. The rugged environment not only confronts them with the grandeur of nature, but also forces them to face their inner conflicts and mutual tensions.

In Between These Mountains is a creative documentary that fuses the intimacy of a home movie with the adventurous spirit of the road movie. It shows that a journey into the wilderness can open a path to forgiveness, self-discovery and ultimately a renewed appreciation for the bonds that connect us to others.

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Tue 15 Oct 16:30 LantarenVenster Buy tickets
Tue 15 Oct 19:15 LantarenVenster Buy tickets

Tuesday 15 October

From € 12,00
LantarenVenster -  Otto Reuchlinweg 996, Feijenoord
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