Ik heb ik heb wat jij niet hebt 10+
I Have I Have What You Don't Have is a playful performance for young people, bursting with Gucci, Prada and a whole lot of junk!
How rich do you have to be to no longer need others? And what is the purchase price of love? How much VAT is there on humanity? Tegest was born in Ethiopia. When she was 5 years old, she was adopted together with her sister. She grew up in our prosperous part of the world. What is the value of money and possessions for her? Woody Veneman is a successful musician who grew up in a deprived neighborhood in Eindhoven. For him, music was his greatest capital.
In Ik heb ik heb wat jij niet hebben theatre maker Lenneke Maas explores the need for money and possessions together with dancer Tegest Pecht Guido and musician Woody Veneman. Lenneke spoke to five young people who, although from completely different backgrounds, are all in a debt restructuring programme. Together they investigate the pain of not having something, which you should have. Something you need to belong, to participate, to be equal. They share the amazement about how 'earning a lot of money' is more highly regarded than 'doing something for nothing'. The envy of too little, the indifference of too much. The golden handshake and the food bank.
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