Het Vergissingsbombardement De Stokerij
Personal stories come together in this heartbreaking war story. A deceased father, a young Nijmegen woman and an American pilot. What does their story tell us about the consequences of war? An unforgettable experience.
Can you survive as a young person during a war? And how does the war live on in you when it is over? How do you pick up the thread again when something so terrible has happened?
Eighty years after the bombing of Nijmegen, theater maker Anne Rats investigates. Using archive material and memories, she brings together the stories of her deceased father, young Emma and a young American pilot. Discover how their lives come together in dramatic ways.
All dates
Datum | Tijd | Locatie | Ticketlink |
Fri 4 Apr | 11:00 | Theater Zuidplein | Buy tickets |
Friday 4 April
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