Gratis steplessen bij Skateland!
Come and step at Skateland! Register now for our free trial lessons.
For anyone who would like to get acquainted with stunt scootering, we offer a free lesson before the new season starts.
Do you not have your own materials yet?
During the lesson you can use our steps and protection. It is also possible to purchase a stunt step and protection in Skateland.
Skateland Rotterdam has been rolling for 25 years
In late November 1999, the indoor skatepark opened its doors in the challenging Feijenoord district. Skatepark Skateland Rotterdam is now one of the largest indoor skate parks in the Benelux and a popular place for street culture. On 23 and 24 November and the following December, the 25th...
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Something different?
See what else there is to do in Rotterdam.