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FUNERAL ECSTASY - The Simulation

A simulation of immortality, now available to experience for a limited time

Imagine a virtual version of you still attending family gatherings after you die. Or tweaking your DNA to live to be 150 years old. Does that sound appealing? And what would you give for it? What was once science fiction is getting closer: from digital avatars that preserve your memories to therapies that can extend your lifespan.

With the performative installation FUNERAL ECSTASY – The Simulation, interdisciplinary crew HipSick delves deep into the idea of immortality. In The Simulation, HipSick explores the boundaries of immortality with a live performance and an audiovisual installation. You are confronted with the possibility of infinite existence. Will you soon be able to call your mother forever, even when she is no longer there?

The Simulation – a temporary simulation of the eternal, an exhibition that lives, breathes and raises questions. Enter a space where time knows no end. You hear heavy, artificial breathing. Because whoever breathes, is still alive. Digital screens flicker, and suddenly an avatar appears, transforming everything into pulsating energy. How does it feel to live forever? And what are the inevitable downsides of an eternal existence?

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Fri 14 Feb 20:00 - 21:00 Time Window - Hipsick Headqauters Buy tickets
Sat 15 Feb 20:00 - 21:00 Time Window - Hipsick Headqauters Buy tickets
Thu 20 Feb 20:00 - 21:00 Time Window - Hipsick Headqauters Buy tickets

Follow the event

Friday 14 February

20:00 - 21:00
From € 15,00 tot € 25,00
Time Window - Hipsick Headqauters -  Teillingerstraat 128, Noord
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