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De Architect - Making Dust

A poetic requiem about the demolition of Ireland’s second largest church, the Church of the Annunciation in the Dublin suburb of Finglas West. Inspired by an essay by architectural historian Ellen Rowley, the film examines the demolition as a rupture in Irish history. How do we deal with buildings whose original function has been rendered meaningless by changes in society? Through audio recordings of nearby hairdressers, we learn how the social function of the Catholic church has changed and how sacred spaces have a different role in contemporary Ireland. Adaptability proves essential for healthy architecture. The film also looks at the life cycle of materials and the pollution caused by demolition. Making Dust is an essay film about the essence of architecture made by filmmaker and researcher Fiona Hallinan, co-founder of the Department Ultimology, which studies endings as a way of thinking about transformation.

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Thu 10 Oct 20:00 LantarenVenster Buy tickets

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