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For fans of: Wodan Boys, DEVO, Warmduscher.

CRACKUPS is a band of extremes: lightning fast, razor sharp, deafeningly loud, but always with an impeccable sense of melody and an eye for detail. This Belgian four-piece has mastered the art of completely flying off the handle, but at the same time writing perfectly balanced party anthems. Their lightning-fast garage punk cuts like a knife, but is soft on the ear.

Their debut album Animals On Acid (2011) quickly acquired cult status, partly because the band went on hiatus shortly after its release. But in true CRACKUPS style, they made a triumphant comeback in 2019. With the release of their third album, Plexi, in October 2024, the band proves that after all these years they have lost none of their explosive energy. CRACKUPS is the musical equivalent of a quadruple espresso: strong, energetic and almost manic garage punk with a no-nonsense attitude.

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Fri 28 Feb 21:30 - 23:00 Vessel 11 Buy tickets

Friday 28 February

21:30 - 23:00
From € 12,00
Vessel 11 -  Wijnhaven 101, Centrum
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