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Aandachtslezing Emine Ugur

As a victim of the benefits affair, as a single mother who lived below the poverty line for a long time and as a Muslim, she has a personal experience of many discussions that dominate the news. Dagblad Trouw has given her a regular column and she now has almost 60,000 followers on X.

Emine Uğur explains how you do not have to be tempted by polarization, how you can take the sting out of sharp discussions and come to understanding. But also when discussion is pointless and sometimes silence is better.

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Datum Tijd Locatie Ticketlink
Thu 14 Nov 20:00 - 22:00 Arminius Buy tickets

Thursday 14 November

20:00 - 22:00
From € 7,50 tot € 15,00
Arminius -  Museumpark 3, Centrum
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