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MAVIS is a classic cocktail bar and intimate restaurant located on the Westzeedijk.

Cocktail bar as a tribute

The owners of BIRD, inspired by the legacy of the legendary American soul singer Mavis Staples, opened MAVIS as a tribute to her era, where the atmosphere of the thirties is revived in a historic building on the Westzeedijk, with nods to the former luxury cruise ships that sailed there. moored. At MAVIS you can enjoy shared world dishes and perfectly composed cocktails, while listening to timeless vinyl records from artists such as Stevie Wonder, Ella Fitzgerald and Curtis Mayfield. As the evening progresses, MAVIS turns into a lively nightclub where you can dance until the early hours on weekends.

Address details

18:00 - 01:00
18:00 - 01:00
16:00 - 02:00
16:00 - 02:00

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